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BPIA Board of Directors Lunch in Celebration 9
BPIA Board of Directors Meeting in Celebration 9
Media Room sponsored by BASF in Bayhill 33
Morning Refreshments and Check-in sponsored by BioWorks in Bayhill Foyer
New Member Breakfast in Celebration 7-8
Member Networking Space Available in Bayhill Foyer
Regulatory Committee Meeting in Bayhill 17
Mark Hartman, BPPD, EPA
Coffee Networking Break sponsored by TSG in Bayhill Foyer
Government Affairs Committee Meeting in Bayhill 31
Mary Hartney, Florida Fertilizer & Agrichemical Association
Membership Committee Meeting in Bayhill 18
GLP Workshop sponsored by 1,4 Group in Bayhill 20
Von Isaman, QA Consulting and Testing, LLC
New Member Introductions Luncheon sponsored by Bayer in Bayhill 21-22
Biostimulants Integration Committee Meeting in Bayhill 18
Mark Hartman, BPPD, EPA
Joint Communications and Specialty Markets Committees Meeting
In Bayhill 19
State Regulatory Subcommittee Meeting in Bayhill 17
Charlie Clark, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Coffee Networking Break sponsored by Monsanto in Bayhill Foyer
BPIA All Member Meeting in Bayhill 21-22
BPIA Group Dinner sponsored by Certis USA in Celebration 5-6
2017 Sustainability Symposium in Windermere W
Some speakers sponsored by Marrone Bio Innovations
Morning Refreshments and Check-in sponsored by Winfield United in Windermere Foyer
Opening Keynote: Consumer Concerns Regarding Biologicals
In Windermere W
Where is IPM in Sustainability? In Windermere W
Moderator: Larry Elworth, Resolve
Speakers: Lori Berger, University of California; David Epstein, USDA; Michael Rozyne, Red Tomato; and Michael Braverman, IR-4 Project
Coffee Networking Break sponsored by Oil-Dri in Windermere Foyer
What Does Exemption From Tolerance Mean? In Windermere W
Moderator: Nina Wilson, Gowan
Speakers: Gabriele Ludwig, Almond Board of California; Michael Braverman, IR4 Project; and Cindy Smith, Gowan
Symposium Luncheon sponsored by Valent BioSciences in Windermere Z
How to Build Credibility for the Biostimulants Industry in Windermere W
Moderator: Desmond Jimenez, NewLeaf Symbiotics
Speakers: Kristen Sukalac, EBIC; Roger Tripathi, Acadian; Jennifer Greminger, ASTA; and Denise Manker, Bayer
Coffee Networking Break sponsored by Agrinos in Windermere Foyer
Integrating Biological Products into Sustainability Goals in Windermere W
Moderator: Michael Fernandez, George Washington University
Speakers: Ron Williams, Coca-Cola; Todd DeKryger, Gerber; and Michael Rozyne, Red Tomato
Closing Keynote: Update from the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, USEPA in Windermere W
Symposium Cocktail Reception sponsored by Valent BioSciences
In the Orchid Room